Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

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Uncovering hidden intelligence of collectives

Research team including scientists from Konstanz discovers that information processing in animal groups occurs not only in the brains of animals but also in their social network.

Konstanz "Fridays for Future" school strike. Image: University of Konstanz

Fridays for Future has the potential to become a mass movement

Researchers at the University of Konstanz and the University of Mannheim release analysis of a national survey in Germany: One in two Germans would be willing to take part in climate protests; more than one in three support a CO2 tax. These are the results of a national survey published by the organizational researchers Sebastian Koos (University of Konstanz) and Elias Naumann (University of Mannheim). The full text is available in German.

Two ERC Starting Grants for the University of Konstanz

Dr Damien Farine, a principal investigator from the Cluster of Excellence “Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour” at the University of Konstanz, and Professor George Walkden, Professor of English Linguistics and General Linguistics at the university’s Department of Linguistics, have both been awarded a prestigious ERC Starting Grant.

Coloured glass roof, University of Konstanz. Copyright: Universität Konstanz

2007, 2012, 2019: University of Excellence in Konstanz

The University of Konstanz will also be funded as a University of Excellence within the context of the new German Excellence Strategy competition. Nationwide, only six universities have been continuously funded as a University of Excellence since 2007.

The ICARUS antenna system on the International Space Station (ISS) will allow researchers from around the world to investigate the movement of animals anywhere around the world. The movement data received by ICARUS are made available to the public via the “Animal Tracker” app, pictured here. | Copyright: University of Konstanz

ICARUS has been switched on: Testing has started

The animal observation system ICARUS on the International Space Station (ISS) with participation of the University of Konstanz entered its test phase today, 10 July 2019 – Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) of Baden-Württemberg supports the further development of the Movebank database for the tracking of animal movement